Affecting Factors on Investment Pattern Decision for Financial Liquidity Problem Solving in Hotel and Lodging: Nakhon Pathom and Samut Songkram

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ดร. กฤษฎา สังขมณี


The purpose of this study was threefold : First, to study affecting factors on decision making for selecting the investment patterns of entrepreneurs of hotel and lodging entrepreneurs in the area of Nakhon Pathom and Samut Songkram; Second to create a fit pattern for solving financial liquidity problem; and Third, to determine the way for solving financial liquidity. This study used both methods : qualitative and quantitative technique. Two sources of data came from in-depth interviewing one group of entrepreneurs and from questionnaires: 189 population entrepreneurs. Statistic were used in this study as descriptive and Binary logistic regression analysis. Research results were as follows: The affecting factors on decision making for selecting the investment patterns of entrepreneurs were as: Infrastructure and Market. Both factors could be explained the variance of decision making of entrepreneurs at 94.20 percent. The channel to solve business financial liquidity problems was using the way of His Majesty the King Philosophy suggestion: Sufficient Economy and depending on Bank as much as necessary.

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