Promoting Border Banking Business Tributary to Cambodia to Enter ASEAN Economic Community

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สุดาพร สาวม่วง


This is a qualitative research aims to (1) study the preparedness of the banking business, 2) to provide guidance on the development of the banking business to include loan, saving, and services, and 3) to enhance the operation of the banking business. The population was Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative (BAAC) clients. Ban Laem brance, Chantaburi Province. Which is a tributary to the border with Cambodia. A total of 360 people were divided into 4 groups: entrepreneurs border shops. Who engage in import and export of agricultural products.Small farmers and workers outside agriculture and related sectors. The instrument used for data collection including interviews, focus group and meetings. Data analysis and statistical procedures. Include descriptive statistics Which contain the arithmetic average The standard deviation Frequency, percentage, and content analysis. The results showed that The readiness of banks to take into account the border trade. The issuance of the customs rules and trade measures in the infrastructure and train operations, and founded that target the 4 groups are known for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), but did not prepare enough. The development of the banking business and products for increasing efficiency in the operations of the Bank recommended AEC 4P MODEL.

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