Model of Social Management Innovation and Thailand 4.0 Policy

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Supisarn Bhakdinarinath
Chadatan Osatis


Due to the constant change of information management system and technology, this article aims to propose a model of social management innovation which paid attention to the interface between digital technology and CCTV-based data (“The Past”). Thai public and private sectors have substantially invested in data collection and storage. Yet, there still unsystematic and unorganized process of management. The value creation from data analytics has been disconnected and lack of full participation with other relevant stakeholders. Particularly, CCTV-based data which acts on behalf of human eyes and minds to monitor and insure safety and security of life and property in city areas has been left unattended and unutilized. Most investors and governmental authorities have just followed a trend of installing CCTV rather than fully taking advantage of their investment. By utilizing field work interviews, case study methods and reviews of literatures, model of social management innovation in this article indicates three important elements as inputs, throughputs and outputs. The inputs comprise human activities, times and places. The throughputs require four components including big data, super software, highly qualified computer and artificial intelligence to process the interface between these digital technologies and the past. The outputs are happy societal communities resulting from reduced crime rates, corrective information and intelligent city. In alignment with the implementation of the Twelfth Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) and Thailand 4.0 Policy, a model of social management innovation can be scaled up to create and add value in various areas in Thailand particularly when all stakeholders have capacity, collaborate and recognize its importance.

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