Influences of Strategic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Loyalty of Noncommissioned Officers in Army Air Defense Command, Bangkok Metropolitan

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Chitawat Buramyakorn
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study level and relationship among strategic leadership organizational citizenship behavior and organizational loyalty 2) to study the influence of strategic leadership on organizational citizenship behavior 3) to study the influence of strategic leadership on organizational loyalty both direct and indirect via organizational citizenship behavior and 4) to study the influence of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational loyalty. Sample was noncommissioned officers in Army Air Defense Command, Bangkok Metropolitan area. Multi-stage sampling was applied, and completely sample size was 325. The research results found that every variables had a significant level at every variable. From structural equation modelling, strategic leadership had significantly influence on organizational citizenship behavior and variance predicted by strategic leadership at 91.0 percent. Strategic leadership had significantly direct effect on organizational loyalty and had indirect effect via organizational citizenship behavior and variance predicted by strategic leadership at 67.0 percent. Finally, organizational citizenship behavior had influence on the organizational loyalty with significantly. Fit indices of the model were χ2 / df = 0.688; CFI =1.00 ; NNFI = 1.00; RMSEA = 0.00; 90% CI for RMSEA = 0.00

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