Participation on Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom among Youth in Pakthongchai, Nakornratchasima Province

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Ueaanut Tanomwong
Tippavan Surinya
Tippavan Surinya
Narut Pornprasit
Wichien Prechathamwong


The objective of this research was to study an association between social support and participation in knowledge management of local wisdom through community commitment act as a mediator. The participant group was made up of 647 students from grades 10 through 12 in a large school in Pakthongchai, Nakornratchasima Province. (Mage = 16.48). The research found that social support has a positive effect on participation in knowledge management through community commitment. The results demonstrated that youth who receive social support from their families, schools, and communities tend to feel a greater bond to the communities in which they live. This leads them to increased involvement in gathering and sharing of local knowledge. This finding helps researchers understand the mechanism of social support’s influence on the propensity for a youth to take part in local knowledge management, and also helps establish an effective strategy to further encourage young people’s participation in the management of local knowledge.

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