Structural Equation Model of Causal Factors Affecting the Success of Steel Industry Operators in the Age of Thailand 4.0

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Nilawan Sawangrat


The objectives of this study are to examine the correspondence of structural equation model of causal factors affecting the success of steel industry operators in the age of Thailand 4.0, and to develop structural equation model of causal factors affecting the success of steel industry operators in the age of Thailand 4.0. The indicators were derived from literature review and relevant research studies. The data were collected from a sample of 400 top-executive operators or their representatives. The instrument used for measurement was a questionnaire with five-point scale, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. It was found that structural equation model of causal factors affecting the success of steel industry operators in the age of Thailand 4.0 corresponded to the literature and empirical data, where p-value =0.101, GFI = 0.975, CFI = 0.937, NFI = 0.973, IFI = 0.942, RMSEA = 0.025, and SRMR =0.023, which met the criteria set for the results of variable analysis in the newly developed model. When the total effect of the model was considered, it was found that proactive operation, product innovation, and process innovation had a significant direct effect on the success of business operator performance. Product innovation operation had the highest effect (TE=0.52), followed by Proactive (TE=0.30), and process innovation (TE=0.19), respectively. In addition, proactive operation had an indirect effect through product innovation (IE=0.49) and process innovation (IE=0.16).

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