Impact Pathway of Sugarcane and Sugar Researches in Thailand

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สุวรรณา ประณีตวตกุล
Kampanat Vijitsrikamol
Chutamad Lerdyosuk
Bussagorn Kontong


Impact assessment plays an important role for management and allocation of research investments to deliver highest benefit to society. This research principally aims to evaluate the impacts of sugarcane and sugar researches in Thailand. The data are obtained from the National Research Management System: NRMS during 2008 – 2016. Primary data from various stakeholders are assembled to analyze sugarcane research status, inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts. The results showed that there were positive impacts from sugarcane researches. The highest impacts were on economics, followed by environment and social impacts respectively. The suggested direction of sugarcane researches includes continuing research support throughout the value chain. Especially, a strong support on upstream sugarcane research is still required, e.g. varietal improvement, machinery, pest management. Moreover, upscaling the research outputs from laboratory to commercial scales is crucial in order to gain the highest benefits from sugarcane researchers to Thai society.

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