A Study on Relationship between Human Capital and Aging Preparedness of Million Birth Cohort Teachers in Primary School Affiliated with Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Kiratikan Sadakorn
Pongthep Chandasuwan


The main purposes of this study were to examine: 1) the relationship between human capital and aging preparedness; and 2) the moderating effect of social support on the relationship between human capital and aging preparedness of million birth cohort teachers in primary school affiliated with Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The correlational research design and the cross-sectional study were employed. The partial least squares structural equation modeling technique was applied. The research results indicated that the human capital had a partial significantly positive effect on the aging preparedness, and the social support had a partial significantly positive moderating effect on the relationship between human capital and aging preparedness of million birth cohort teachers in primary school affiliated with Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The fit indices showed that the model fit the data well. The results showed that the direction of aging preparedness policy should enhance and develop knowledge-based society in the cotext of high social support.

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