Effection of Ethics and Training’s Accountant’ Sentiments Towards Quality Offinancial Report in Hospitals Under the Office of the Permament Secretary, Ministry of Public Health

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Amonrat Buranapon
Paweena Khampukka


The purposes of this research were to explore the influence of accountants’ ethics and accountant training on sentiments towards quality of financial report in the hospitals. The samples were 306 accountants of the hospitals under the office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health. The research instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire, with Cronbach’s alpha of accountants’ ethics, accountant training and sentiment towards quality of financial report at the level of 0.92, 0.83 and 0.91 respectively. The statistics used for the quantitative analysis consisted of percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings reveal that Clarity, independence, fairness and honesty, and standard of performance, accountability for the service recipient and confidentially, accountant training all significantly influence the sentiments towards quality of financial report in hospitals at the statistical level of 0.01

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