Learning Management Model to Raise the Value of the Visual Arts, Local Heritage Study PhraBot, Sacred Cloth Products

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Somporn Thammarat
Kraidej Kraisakul
Suebpong Thammachat


The objectives of the research are to study the issue and to raise the value of visual arts, the case studies of Phra Bot, sacred cloth products for high school students. Develop a creative learning management model to raise .The value of visual arts, the case studies of Phra Bot, sacred cloth products for high school students. Study the effectiveness of the creative learning management model to raise the value of visual arts, the case studies of Phra Bot, sacred cloth products for high school students. The samples of this study were 30 high school students by purposive selection from three high schools in Nakhon Si Thammarat. They were 10 students each from Kuankoey suttiwittaya school, Pakpanang school and Ronphiboonkietwasuntharapiwat school. The data were colleeted by a creative learning management model to raise the value of the visual arts, local heritage study Phra Bot, sacred cloth products. An evaluation form about raising the value of visual arts. Qualitative and quantitative methods were implemented. The research findings were as follow: 1. The learning activity can be advanced. 2. The creative learning management model to raise the value of visual arts, the case studies of Phra Bot, sacred cloth products for high school students, Consisted of 7 main elements. There were a principle goals setting content setting activity operation SK2D model time materials evaluation and 6 sub ele ments: the teacher’s orientation grouping 4-5 students with differentiated learning abilities. teacher’s classroom management students’SK 2D learning activity performance development Filing a patent. 3. The level of perceiving visual arts value of the students after by learning management model to raise the value of the visual arts were higher before leaning at the significant at the significant difference level of .01

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