The Influences of Business Strategies and Entrepreneur Characteristics on the Business Success of Small and Medium Entreprises

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Sawalee Wongchaiya
Pichyada Pheunpha


The purpose of this research was to examine entrepreneur demographics, personal factors, and business strategies effecting the business success of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Samples were 418 SMEs entrepreneurs in Ubon Ratchathani province. Questionnaire with suitable of reliability of 0.92 and stratified random sampling were used in this research. The statistics used in analysis were frequency, mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis. The result reveals that; 1) the important levels of personal factors and business strategies were generally high with mean = 3.95 and 3.58 respectively. Meanwhile business success of Small and Medium Enterprises was moderate level with mean = 3.22. 2) Multiple linear regression results were found that the correlation coefficient of the predictors strongly correlate with business success. The coefficient of explanation of multiple regression model of predictors can explained business success 65.8%. The variables affecting business success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ubon Ratchathani province at statistics significant level including self-confidence, corporate strategy, endurance, average monthly income, age, operating time, innovative thinking, gender, business strategy, demand for success, business size, and position respectively.

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