The Influence of Socially Responsible Leadership on Stakeholder Engagement, Good Governance, and Organization Performance on Savings and Credit Cooperatives in the Central Region

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Achara Tupbuchakorn
Norapol Chinuntdej
Nassapun Paopun
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


In this dissertation, the researcher examines important is the influence of socially responsible leadership, stakeholder engagement, and good governance on organization performance at the Savings and Credit Cooperatives in the central region; and validates. In adopting a quantitative empirical research approach, in gathering relevant data from representatives of 350 Savings and Credit Cooperatives in the central region, the researcher selected the probability accidental sampling method. The researcher additionally employed the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The socially responsible leadership and good governance influence on overall of organization performance at the Savings and Credit Cooperatives in the central region while the stakeholder engagement not influence on organization performance at the Savings and Credit Cooperatives in the central region

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