ทัศนคติการส่งเสริมสุขภาพของตนเองที่มีผลต่อสุขสมรรถนะของ นักศึกษาสถาบันการพลศึกษา วิทยาเขตกรุงเทพ

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Kasorn Uthaiviankul


The purpose of this research is: 1) to study the health promotion of students 2) study individual personality for self development and performance of the students 3) to be the guide in promoting the health of students of the Institute of Physical Education Bangkok Campus. Sample of groups in the Institute of Physical Education Bangkok Campus of Bachelors Degree with a total of 200 persons. Instruments used in testing are questionnaires that have 4 parts. Statistics in testing is multiple linear regression which should be statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The Result of this research is that the majority of the groups are male 80%. This group is actively involved in exercising in which most of those exercising has a value of BMI (Body Mass Index) in the pulse rate, blood pressure specially the systolic and diastolic that it is in the normal pressure. Factors in which makes the heart beat fast are whether they are male or female and year level in studying. The factor in which the diastolic is affected is sex whether they are male or female and caring for one’s health. Exercising has a relation with the BMI (Body Mass Index) and in promoting health. Controlling the stress level has a relation with the level of blood pressure especially the diastolic in which according to studies must be at 0.05

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Research Articles


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