The Influences of Leadership Participation Motivation and Educational Innovation on Successful Management of Basic Education School Board in Phuket Province

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Kamol Kagla
Bundit Pungnirund


The purposes of this research were (1) to develop and validate a causal relationship model of successful management of basic education school boards in Phuket province with empirical data, and (2) to study the influences of leadership, participation, motivation, and educational innovation on successful management of basic education school boards in Phuket province. The sample was 400 basic education school boards who live in Phuket province and were selected by stratified random sampling. Research instrument was rating scale questionnaire with reliability index of categories between .894 – .913. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. The results showed that 1) the causal relationship model of successful management of basic
education school boards in Phuket province was consistent with the empirical data, considering from fit index, namely χ2 = 313.465, df = 117, p-value = .000, Relative χ2 = 2.679, RMR = .011, RMSEA = .063, GFI = 0.936, AGFI = 0.915, NFI = 0.953, IFI= 0.970, CFI = 0.969. The variables in the proposed model accounted
for 48.7 percent of the total variance of successful management of basic education school boards. 2) The leadership, the participation, and the educational innovation had positive direct effects on the successful management of basic education school boards in Phuket province with a statistical significance
level at .05. However, the motivation had not significant effects on the successful management of basic education school boards in Phuket province.

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