Does Five-factor Model of Personality robust in Thai Culture

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Ratchaneewan Wanichtanom
Samattaphong Khajohnmanee
Vachira Thongyukong
Thanatporn Lekawat
Thaworn Nednunt


Five-factor model of personality has been widely accepted. In Thailand, Five-factor personality inventory has been studied using translated personality inventory, but whether Five-factor model of personality robust in Thai culture or not. The objectives of this study are what type of five-factor personality questionnaire used by master students major in industrial and organizational psychology at Thammasat university, level of internal consistency of five-factor personality questionnaires from these master theses and factor structure of five-factor model of personality from 4 different sample groups. Exploratory
factor analysis was used in data analysis. Results are NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992) translated into Thai were used by most of master students major in industrial and organizational psychology at Thammasat university, Internal consistency of some factors (i.e., openness to experience) of NEO-FFI were very low and Factor structure of NEO-FFI Thai version shown that some items of one factor loaded on other factors which indicated that there were some measurement property problems. Then, Five-factor model of personality may not robust in Thai culture especially people whose education level lower than bachelor degree

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