The Implmentation Of Sufficiency Economy Theory Into a Guide to Quality of Life Development for Noncommissioned of 1ST Field Artillery Battalion, King’s Guard

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Thanatep Buabuss


The objectives of this research to study the 1) the lifestyle according the implementation of sufficiency economy which will be classified by each individual factor, 2) the lifestyle according the implementation of sufficiency economy theory which will be classified by the understanding level of the implementation of sufficiency economy theory, 3) the relationship between lifestyle, the implementation of sufficiency economy theory, and the quality of life. This study collected data using responses from the questionnaire distributed among 129 noncommissioned officers of the 1st Field Artillery Battalion, King’s Guard. Statistical data analyzing, standard deviation, one way ANOVA, F-Test,T-Test and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient test the hypothesis. The results are as follows: 1) understanding in sufficiency economy theory determine the degree of lifestyle behavior towards sufficiency. Lastly, 2) the correlations between the implementation of sufficiency concept and quality of life are significant. Particularly, the spiritual aspect and psychological aspect is highest whereas the psysiological aspect and technological aspect is the lowest

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