Composition of Team Learning Behavioral of Srinakharinwirot University Student 1

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วรสรณ์ เนตรทิพย์
จตุพล ยงศร
ราชันย์ บุญธิมา


The objective of this research is to study composition of team learning behaviors of Srinakharinwirot University’s students. The samples were divided into two groups. One group consisted of 361 third-year undergraduate students for exploratory factor analysis and the other group consisted of 391 third-year undergraduate students for the second order confirmatory factor analysis. For this study, the research instrument was questionnaires with 5 rating scale, totaling 29 questions. The results showed that (1) the exploratory factor analysis of team learning behaviors of Srinakharinwirot University’s students comprised of three components: (1.1) a team leadership consisted of nine indicators (1.2), a collaboration in the teams consisted of 12 indicators, and (1.3) an applying knowledge in the teams consisted of eight indicators; 2) The results of the confirmatory factor analysis from finding components demonstrated
that model of team learning behaviors of Srinakharinwirot University’s students was consistent with the empirical data (χ2= 424.28 df= 302, p-value = 0.00000, Relative χ2= 1.40, RMSEA =, RMR =, SRMR=, CFI= .99, GFI = . 93, AGFI = .90, CN = 340.84). The component of the collaboration in the teams was the
highest weight of each factor equal to .96 for 12 indicators and the weight of each factor was between.52 and .73. Following by applying knowledge in the teams where the weight of each factor equal to.93 for eight indicators and the weight of each factor were between .59 and .67. The team leadership
had the weight of each factor equal to .81 for nine indicators and the weight of each factor were between .51 and .72

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