Composition of Corporate Social Responsibility commercial Bank in Thailand

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Suramon Thaikasame


The objective of this research is to study composition of Corporate Social Responsibility commercial Bank in Thailand. The samples were Commercial Bank Customers 287 Person. The research instrument was questionnaires with 5 rating scale. Analysis by Confirm Factor Analysis with LISREL Program.
The results showed that Model was consistent with the empirical data (Chi Square = 1.08, df = 2, P-value = .58261, RMSEA = .0026, RMR = .0053 ; CFI = 1.00 ; GFI = 1.00; AGFI = .99 ; CN = 2439.69) have 5 composition include (1) Corporate Governance (2) Quality of Life for Employees (3) Customer Care (4)
Social Care (5) World Care. The Composition was Standardize Factor Loading Between .65 - .99 and Reliability (R2) Between .42 - .97.

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