The Concept of Sufficiency in Sufficiency Economy

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จะเด็ด สุขดี
ปรีชา ช้างขวัญยืน


This dissertation has three major purposes: (1) to analyze the evolution of the concept of sufficiency in Sufficiency Economy via academic’s understanding and paradoxes, (2) to analyze the sufficiency image in philosophy, religions, and paradoxes, (3) to proceed analytical interpretation on the meaning of concept sufficiency from the necessary and sufficient conditions to confirm the actual existence in causal and logical ways. The research instrument is philosophizing and logic. The research results found that the conceptual evolution of economic sufficiency has existed since ancient times when society has no sophistication. Later, the complexity of human society was increased and brought the downtrodden in society. In Thailand, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the greatest present king of Thailand, has proposed solution based on the economic, social and environmental factors with sufficiency concept. However, the recognition of human was different; the concept of sufficiency, could be an extrinsic value, conveying to other values, and be subjective. Meanwhile, it could be discovered
that the cognition intrinsic value, which had its own goal, and be objectivity. Moreover, it was Sufficiency Economy that could be the most appropriated approach to prevention paradox. The analysis of sufficiency conception in philosophy and religions was demonstrated that the propensity of
conceptual sufficiency in philosophy was extrinsic valued ideas, which could be conveyed for other values, and be individual subjectivity. Whilst, the analysis of sufficiency conception in religion had propensity to intrinsic value which had its own goal, and be objective. Furthermore, it was found that
both extrinsic and intrinsic values of sufficiency image is paradoxical. From verifying the existence relationship between the concept. Sufficiency and related symbolic logic, it was found that the concept of sufficiency was existed in the form of necessary condition tied together with causality. While the concept of sufficiency in the form of sufficiency in logical condition. It was drawn to the conclusion that the concept of sufficiency was a logical truth

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