Key Success Factors of Community’s Economy Development: A Case Study of the Financial Community Institute, Chaiyaphum

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Umawadee Detthamrong
Wirapong Chansanam


 This study aims to investigate the key success factors of community’s economy development: A case study of the financial community institute, Chaiyaphum. In this study, we use a stability, respect, and reputation to measure a success in community economic development. A questionnaire was used as the instrument for collecting data from 396 people in the community who were selected by purposive sampling method. A questionnaire discriminant power is 0.45-0.82 and reliability coefficient is 0.94-0.95. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.

The results reveal that the key success factors of community’s economy development are leadership, management, and moral, statistical significance at 0.05 level. It provides that higher degrees of leadership, management, and moral are associated with higher success in community economic development.    

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