A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Factors Influencing the Competitiveness of Rubber Gross Industry Entrepreneurs under Conditions of Dynamic Change

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ดร.โกศล จิตวิรัตน์
ดร.เนตร์พัณณา ยาวิราช


The main purpose of this research was to development factors influencing of competitiveness under the dynamic change. By collecting data from a sample of entrepreneurs small and medium-sized industrial rubber 470 samples through the structural equation model analysis techniques for data analysis and perform data analysis using SPSS program and LISREL. The results showed factors that influence the competitiveness by used the theory-base include seven factors as follows: entrepreneurial spirit development, strategic management, human capital development, organization culture, logistics and supply chain, sustainable cluster and government policy. And the development of factors to quantitative research by confirmatory factor analysis-second order the results of the analysis model was modified to be consistent with the empirical data are in very good shape.

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