The Development of Textiles Products : Wisdom of Thai Song Dam in The Western Region of Thailand

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ดร.ฐิติพันธ์ จันทร์หอม


The objectives of this research were 1) To development of Textiles products which was adapted from local wisdom of Thai Song Dam in the western region of Thailand. 2) To gain the population income and encourage the economy of Thai Song Dam in the western region of Thailand. 3) To documentary the acknowledge of local wisdom in Textiles products and culture tourism of Thai Song Dam in The western region of Thailand Learning by work shop with local people should be participating activities. Focus on the qualitative data, to get new products from local wisdom by Developing and applying by basic of art and product design for exchanging the knowledge from external society. The research was studied in B.E. 2014 the sampling groups were focus on textiles productions who were accepted by government officers to be representative from 4 provinces of Thai Song Dam from Nakhonpathom province Ratchaburi Province Suphanburi province and Kanchanaburi province in the region of western Thailand. The result of this study recommended that textiles products by adapting, participating and knowledge exchanging from local wisdom of Thai Song Dam who lived in 4 areas in the western region of Thailand with external society, to creating new textiles products by basic of art and product design. There were 40 patterns which had quality selecting from experts to 20 patterns and marketing trial to ensure that it was same as consumers’ requirements which can gain the income and encourage the local economy, to be learning place and knowledge database of local art textiles and culture tourism. The conclusion of this research was developed new knowledge management by local particpative.

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