Organizational Citizenship Behavior’s Educational Staffs of Thongsook College

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สุวรรณี จริยะพร


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level transformational leadership, organizational culture, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior’s educational staffs of Thongsook College. and 2) to study the influence of transformational leadership and organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior ’s educational staffs of Thongsook College both direct and indirect via organizational commitment. The population was 100 educational staffs of Thongsook College. The research instrument was in form of questionnaire. Based on the literature, a theoretical model was developed and used by a structural equation modeling (LISREL). The result revealed that inspirational motivation, clan culture, normative commitment and civic virtue were at a high average mean, correlation coefficient among observed variable were 0.740 - 0.914. Transformational leadership and organizational culture had relationship organizational commitment at 43.90 %. Meanwhile organizational citizenship behavior had relationship among organizational commitment, transformational leadership and organizational culture 84.40 %. Moreover organizational commitment had mostly direct effect organizational citizenship behavior at 0.78 Organizational culture had total mostly effect organizational citizenship behavior through organizational commitment at 1.47.The model of structural equation modeling pertained the index value of good standard level in accordance with the evidence, considered from χ2/df = 1.05, p–value = 0.32, RMSEA = 0.02, RMR=0.01, CFI = 0.99, AGFI= 0.91, GFI=0.90, and CN = 228.42

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