Research Design for Mixed Method Research

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Pattrawadee Makmee


Research design for mixed method research can be characterized as a mixture between quantitative and qualitative research. In this article, the mixed method research is separated into two approaches which are 1) Convergent-parallel approach 2) Exploratory-sequential approach. Moreover, researchers using the mixed method need to completely clarify research objective(s), procedural processes, and detailed descriptions of the selected research methodology which are accomplished by applying four designing criteria 1) weighting 2) timing 3) theorizing and 4) mixing. Advantages of the mixed method research are to help the researchers get new findings for knowledge acquisition and understanding studied aspects extensively and deeply in more accordance with the reality of social or educational sciences than using either of the two research methods. However, there are some limitations for using the mixed method research such as practical difficulty for conducting research due to researchers themselves being acquainted with and exclusively coached for only one of the two research methods; and, consequently, consuming much time and budget when doing research by means of the mixed method as well as not being capable of utilizing or even making the readers comprehend research results and findings. Nevertheless, since the late 20th decade, there have existed many research designs tending to use the mixed method in order to find answers to much more multi-dimensionally sophisticated research questions.

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