Effect of Stores Image, Relationship Value, Service Behavior and Repurchasing toward Customer Loyalty in Traditional Retail Stores

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Boonthawan Wingwon
Atchara Meksuwan
Boonchanit Wingworn


The purpose of research was to study the stores image, relationship value, service behavior, repurchasing, and customer loyalty, including the study effect of stores image, relationship value, service behavior and repurchasing toward customer loyalty in traditional retail stores in Thailand. It was quantitative research and the sampling group was 359 traditional retail stores users. The research tool was in questionnaire format by applying descriptive statistics for data analysis were composed of the percentage, standard deviation and structural equation model with SMART PLS technique. The outcomes of research revealed that the importance of relationship value, customer loyalty, delivery behavior and repurchasing at high level while stores image was valued at medium level. The outcomes of structural equation model that the stores image had the most direct effect toward service behavior, and followed by the stores image had effect toward the relationship value, the repurchasing had direct effect toward customer loyalty, relationship value had direct effect toward the repurchasing, relationship value had direct effect toward customer loyalty, service behavior had direct effect toward repurchasing, service behavior had direct effect toward customer loyalty. Lastly, the stores image had direct effect toward repurchasing while the stores image also had the most indirect image toward customer loyalty.

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