The Major Factors and the Moderating Effects of Regulatory Focus on the Relationship between Dimensions of Job Satisfaction and Overall Job Satisfaction: The case of Middle Manager in Thailand

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Ratthana Sungpong
Songporn Hansanti
Nawim Minakan


Improving job satisfaction of middle-level managers who play a critical role in the success of most companies is the challenge for top managers. One possible strategy is to improve overall job satisfaction through improving satisfactions with specific dimensions of job satisfaction. This study is an attempt to propose and empirically test the moderating effect of regulatory focus on the effects of satisfactions with dimensions of job satisfaction on overall job satisfaction in middle lever managers in Thailand. The conceptual model and hypotheses were based on literature reviews augmented by a qualitative research. Data were collected from middle-level managers by judgmental sampling and analyzed by a two-group structural equation modeling. This study would provide a conceptual model and research proposition for future empirical investigation. The findings from the empirical investigation should provide insights and managerial implications for managing the job satisfaction of middle-level managers in Thailand. The objective of this study are: (1) To identifying dimensions of job satisfaction that are relevant in determining overall jobsatisfaction (2) To postulating the moderating effect of regulatory focus on the relationship between each dimension of job satisfaction and overall job satisfaction. (3) To developing research proposition for future empirical investigation. These findings show that to this study seeks to contribute to the knowledge in the area of job satisfaction. From the theory development perspective, this study represents an effort to conceptualize and empirically test the moderating effect of regulatory focus on the relationships between dimensions of job satisfaction and overall job satisfaction in middle-level managers. And the major factors satisfaction are: satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotional opportunity, satisfaction with learning opportunity, satisfaction with job security, and satisfaction with work environment. The results on this study which can be used in strategic planning and human resources management.

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