Health Care and Health Status of Thai Aging

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Phimphisut Boukeaw
Ratiporn Teungfung


This research aims to study health status of Thai aging and to investigate the predictive ability of demographic characteristics, social support and health care for their health by using a secondary data of Thai aging Survey in 2011 from the National Statistics Office with 16,058 samples. The study found that health status of Thai aging was moderate. The combination of demographic characteristics, social support and health care could predict their health status accounted for 11.2 %. It was also found that the important variable was income. Thai aging who have earned an average annual income of 50,000 baht were the group that can forecast the health status the most (β = 0.172), followed by the health care (β = 0.156). This study suggests that the government should maintains the welfare policy for Thai aging especially subsistence allowance and improve channels to access the rights thoroughly, as well as to promote health care behavior of the Thai aging with an emphasis on family participation.

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