Distance Learning System of Nursing Education and Thai Qualification for Higher Education (TQF: HEd)

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Pattaya Kaewsarn
Wanipa Tubtheing
Renugar Thongkumrod


This study focused to Thai Qualification for Higher Education (TQF: HEd) to graduated nurses completing Continuing 2 Years of Nursing Program, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. These learning outcomes reflected by graduated fellows’ views: supervisors, friends and graduated nurses revealing to program and TQF: HEd. The results showed that graduated nurses achieved TQF: HEd with high satisfied level. This curriculum has been covered to organization policy and reached their satisfaction in a good level. Therefore, this study could be referenced to all graduated nurses’ qualification completed by distance learning program that equalized to whom completed from any other institutes.

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Research Articles


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