Participatory Development the Public Relations Media of Five Precepts as for Secondary School Level: A Case Study of School in Subordinate to Bangkok Metropolitan

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Kitivit Tosakul
Prakajpol Thongtha
Pariwat Nilawan
Karin Kamudyodhin
Nathanan Wiriyawit


The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the processes involved in promoting ethics and enhancing knowledge following the five precepts of the students from Watweluwanaram School. This research methodology focused on Participatory Action Research (PAR). The tools of this research consist of focus group discussion, in-depth interview and observation. The research process is 1) media in formation survey of community 2) studying of community 3) poster designed and producing 4) satisfaction assessment. The students involved to produce the materials all of 3 steps as follow 1) Participation by Person 2) Participation by Content 3) Participation by process. After the participatory development of public relations media, the satisfactions showed the most of student have been satisfactions in high level.

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