Bangkok Metropolitan Model in the New Decade

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Pradit Deewattanakul


The objectives of this study were to 1) analyze the administrative model of Bangkok and 2) seek the appropriate Bangkok model in the new decade. This research was conducted using secondary data related to other developed capital cities and content analysis. The research instruments used in this research were in-depth interviews. The interviews were verified by 5 experts and participated by 20 specialists who were chosen specifically based on their involvement in Bangkok administration. The results of the research revealed that there are problems in Bangkok administration. Nowadays, Bangkok lacks development and flexibility to serve as the center of ASEAN. Population dispersal and ineffective urban transportation systems are still issues. In order to prepare itself to become metropolis city and capable to serve as an ASEAN regional center and this process could be managed by the Prime Minister, the Ministry or a special organization. The Building Control Act must be revised to allow more tall buildings in the city. Moreover, when public transportation provides a complete range of services, the Bangkok governor must oversee it and serve as the inner-city district director, while the district office and district council serve as the city municipality .Each community should also be allowed to elect their own community council in order to prevent corruptions and primarily strengthen the community by following sufficiency economy philosophy.

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