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ภัทรวลัญชญ์ ณัฐธนพิพัฒ
ดร.ไพบูลย์ อ่อนมั่ง
สุมนรดี นิ่มเนติพันธ์


This research aimed to examine the effect of ballet dance training on autistic children's behavior. It was an experimental research with longitudinal time-series design. This training program was manipulated for the duration of 8 weeks: 3 days a week, and 30 minutes a day. The process of the program was carried out repeatedly with the following activities: warm-up, 3 sittings, 4 standing, 3 dancing around the room, and cool-down exercises. The sample was three autistic children aged 7-10 years who applied to a special class. Four aspects of behavior, namely psychological, physical, emotional, and social, were observed by trainers and guardians alternately week by week. Each aspect of behavior was plotting to form a multiple line chart with separate cases. The result of this study revealed that all of the three autistic children had better psychological, physical, emotional, and social behavior.

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