Influences of Transformational Leadership and Naval Student's Participation on the Effectiveness of Naval Education

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Peerapat Vanichayachart
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the relationship between transformational leadership and Naval student's participation in the effectiveness of Naval education. 2) to study the influences of transformational leadership on the effectiveness of Naval education. 3) to study the influences of Naval student's participation in the effectiveness of Naval education. 4) to study the influence of transformational leadership on the effectiveness of Naval education. Both directly and indirectly via Naval student's participation variables. The sample was a student of Naval education. Judgmental sampling was conducted, and the sample size of 400 respondents is completed. 

The results reveal that the analysis of a structural equation that factors in transformational leadership is positively correlated very high level with Naval student's participation and the variance factors can be explained and predicted by leadership 91.00. Naval student's participation has a positive relationship at a very high level with the effectiveness of Naval education. The influences of transformational leadership are positively correlated very high level with the effectiveness of Naval education. The influences of transformational leadership to the effectiveness of Naval education, indirect via Naval student's participation = 0.51, which is a moderate one. And found a statistically significant proportion of the variance can be explained by structural equation model = 0.95 Fit indices of the model were X / df = 1.062CFI = 1; NNEI = 1; RMSEA = 0.013 และ 9096 l for RMSEA = 0.036

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