Strategic Development Administration for the Women Empowerment Funds in Loei Province

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Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk
Siravit Koolrojanapat
Sudawan Somjai


The purposes of this research were to study 1) operating level and the current strategic development administration of funds 2) factors and factor components of fund administration that resulted in the development of the administration of funds and 3) proper guidelines in strategic development administration. This was a mixed research method of ranking and description. A total of 393 samples of women representatives from Loei Province. An in-depth interview of 9 informants who have duties in setting up the policy and implementation of the policy of women empowerment funds. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized in data analysis. The qualitative data were analyzed using content and logical descriptive analyses. 

The findings revealed that 1) factors of management and factors of components of fund administration had a relationship with strategic development administration funds at a high level 2) factors of management and factors of components of fund administration had effects on strategic development administration funds in a positive direction at moderate to a high level with a correlation coefficient between 0.43 to 0.78 and statistical significance of every variable at 0.01 level 3) the current level and factor components of fund administration together can predict the influence of the development administration for the women empowerment funds of 61.60 percent (R = 0.616) with a statistical significance at 0.05 (2 - tailed) and 4) the statistic development administration needed to enhanced with the recommendation to set up offensive, protective, revised and defensive strategies to effectively manage the strategic development administration.

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