Factors Affecting Image Perception and Quality of Services of Expressway Authority of Thailand

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Penkhae Sikomat
Chairirk Keawpromman


The objectives of this study were 1) to study personal factors of the users of the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) in Bangkok 2) to study the personal factors of the EXAT users which have an affecting on the perceived image and service quality. 3) A study of the perception of service quality affecting the image recognition of the Expressway Authority of Thailand in Bangkok. The sample group consisted of 400 service users of EXAT in Bangkok. A research tool was the questionnaires the researcher used statistical analysis, which included t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The results showed that most of the sample groups were women, age between 41- 50 years old with single status and bachelor’s degree level of education. Moreover, most of them was a state enterprise employee with a monthly income of about 20,001 - 30,000 baht.  Most of them perceived the overall image of security, service, staff, and social responsibility at a high level. As for the overall quality of service, the aspects of knowing customer, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibles were exposed to a high level. The hypothesis testing found that the difference of personal factors such as age, status, occupation, and income were affecting the perception of the EXAT image. However, the difference of personal factors such as age, status, education level, and occupation was affecting the quality of service of EXIT. Differences were statistically significant. 0.05 The perceived quality of the touchable service Reliability The response of users in knowing and understanding service users Affecting the perception of the expressway image of Thailand.  

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