Development of the Mathematics Learning Achievement on GCD (Greatest Common Divisor ) and LCM ( Least Common Multiple) Problems of Mathayom Suksa 1 Students Using Simulation Based Learning Phranakhon Rajabhat University

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Phattararit Phattaratanachit
Dech Boonprajak
Kridsana Sokuma


The purpose of this research was to compare the mathematics learning achievement of GCD (Greatest common divisor ) and LCM ( Least common multiple) problems of Senior High School 1 students at Bangkapi School between before and after the implementation of Simulation-Based Learning.  The population of this research was 609 Senior High School 1 student from 15 classrooms at Bangkapi School, Bangkok. The sample was 40 Senior High School 1 students at Bangkapi School, obtained by Cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments consisted of 1) learning plans, 2) Mathematics Achievement Test on GCD and LCM problems with a reliability of .81 and 3) Test on the ability to solve mathematical problems with a reliability of .90.  Data were analyzed using statistics, including arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of this study indicated as follows: 1)The mathematics learning achievement on GCD and LCM problems of the sample after the implementation of Simulation-Based Learning was higher than the prescribed criterion at 70% with a statistical significance level of .05, 2)The mathematics learning achievement on GCD and LCM problems of the sample after the implementation of Simulation-Based Learning was higher than before with a statistical significance level of .05, and 3) The ability to solve mathematical problems on GCD and LCM problems of the sample after the implementation of Simulation-Based Learning was higher than the prescribed criterion at 70% with a statistical significance level of .05. 

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