Work Motivation and Perceived Organizational Support Affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion

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Punna Worachart
Chairirk Keawpromman


The objectives of this study were to study the differences of personal factors affecting work motivation, perceived organizational support, organizational citizenship behavior of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion and to study influences of work motivation and perceived organizational support on organizational citizenship behavior of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion. This study used a questionnaire to collect information from 233 military officers of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion. The collected information was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, and mean. Hypotheses tests were done by using One-Way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression at the 0.05 level of statistical significance. The research results found the differences of a personal factor of status had an effect on work motivation, perceived organizational support, organizational citizenship behavior of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion at 0.05 level of signification. The levels of work motivation and perceived organizational support significantly influenced organizational citizenship behavior of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion at 0.05 level of signification.

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