Implementing the Principles of the Good Governance to Thai Local Administrations

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Juthathip Sucharitkul


This paper analyzed and synthesized the good governance and Thai local administration based on the literature review, books, research, academic articles, and research articles. The objectives of this paper were 1) to study the principles of local administrations, 2) to study the principles of good government, and 3) to provide the guidelines for implementing the principles of good governance to Thai local administrations. The results showed that local administrations were roots of the democratic governance which directly and locally serve people. With the problems of inefficient administration, no response to local demand and needs, and corruption, good governance had been introduced to solve these mentioned problems such as its administrations, corruption, personnel, local politicians, and budget administration of local administrations. Good governance consisted of 1) the principle of the rule of law, 2) the principle of morality, 3) the principle of transparency, 4) the principle of participation, 5) the principle of accountabilities, and 6) the principle of values. the guidelines of implementing the principles of good governance to Thai local administrations were the promotion of integration and community, the promotion of political participation and involvement, the human resource development of both officials and politicians in local administrators in order to strengthen and promote the political power to people and local communities as to make guidelines of work for all personnel in local administrations and to promote and enhance the sustainable development locally.

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Research Articles


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