Concept of Entrepreneurial Mindset Development

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Nara Kittimetheekul


Entrepreneurship is one of people characteristics of people that every organization needs. The meaning of entrepreneurship is wider than business owners because entrepreneurs mean to any person who manages various resources to help the organization. Consideration of the Entrepreneurship thought process, it has been found some of the unique characteristics are those that are presented in the form of an entrepreneurial mindset model. The model had seven elements: goal identification, opportunity recognition, risk management, resource allocation and assessment, innovation and creativity, leadership, and optimism. These seven traits cannot come on their own, but they have to be practiced by creating the right habits for a while until those who want to improve themselves can have an entrepreneurial mindset. The entrepreneurial mindset is fundamental to human capital development as an internal drive for strengthening the core competencies to be successful in entrepreneurship. In the design of human capital development, therefore, either in the form of self-development or various institutions. Both in the public and private sectors, development must begin with the framework of this presented model as a basis before building skills and knowledge to become a successful entrepreneur. Due to the development of human capital requires effort, determination, determination, and timing, without internal forces, the chances of success become more difficult.


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Research Articles


ราชกิจจานุเบกษา. (2561). ยุทธศาสตร์ชาติ (พ.ศ. 2561- 2580). เล่ม 135 ตอนที่ 82 ก ประกาศวันที่ 13 ตุลาคม 2561

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