National Competitiveness and Sustainable Development: Cases of Human Resources Development in Singapore and Thailand

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Sakda Siriphattrasophon


National competitiveness is a significant issue of concern to scholars around the globe because it is one of the key factors that indicate the progress of the country along with the targets of sustainable development. Because of the globalization and dynamics and advancement of technology and innovation, the world is moving towards the digital economy and its transition to the fourth industrial revolution which will play a vital role in building up the competitiveness of the nations. The objectives of this article are aiming at reviewing the literature on the knowledge and components of competitiveness and identifying the linkage or relationship between the level of competitiveness of the country and the sustainable development management approach. The government’s policies and strategies were usually based on the development of competitiveness that enhances the level of national competitiveness; therefore, this study focused on a comparative study on the national human resource management strategies of Singapore and Thailand. This covered the visions and policies of both countries for the development of human resources in their respective countries in order to achieve a competitive advantage on the global platform. The study also included analyzing strategies and trends in the human resource development of Singapore and Thailand that had been used in the development of the country to enhance the capabilities of the citizen within the country to achieve sustainable advantage. The benefits of this study included the raise awareness of the use of the available resources for maximum benefit and efficiency. Along with the country's sustainable growth and the well-being of the people, the government and related agencies can also serve as a basis for ranking priorities and formulating or adjusting their policies and strategies to align with the country’s aims. It also can be used as a framework for setting a position in formulating international policies or strategies for the best benefits of the country.

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