Management Factors Affecting to Health and Cultural Tourism Model in Khung Bang Kachao, Samut Prakarn Province

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Hathairut Phetpanomporn Wongprayoon
Luedech Keadwichai
Suramon Chancharoen


Tourism is important to the economy and continuously expanding, creating jobs. Nowadays, tourists are seeking a focuses on recreation, which makes it very necessary to create a new model of tourism to identity. The health and cultural tourism model of Khung Bang Kachao is important for tourist attraction in order to motivate tourists to experience the lifestyle and cultural heritage, learn the environment, history, traditions by tourism that have activities related to health promotion in the community. These research aims are 1. To study the level of social capital management, the image of tourist attraction, tourism marketing mix, public relations through media, and tourism for health and culture, 2. To study the factors that affect tourism health and culture, and 3. To develop recommendations for health and cultural tourism management. This research is a combination of research between quantitative research and qualitative research. The samples of quantitative were 500 people in Khung Bang Kachao, Samut Prakan Province, using the criteria of 20 times the observed variable, using simple random sampling. The data were collected by questionnaires, and data collection by in-depth interview of 15 people including community leaders, philosophers, villagers. Government officials the tourist and entrepreneurs in Khung Bang Kachao. Data were equation model. The results of the research according to objective 1 found that social capital management was a moderate level, the image of tourist attraction was a high level, tourism marketing mix was a high level, the public relations through media was a moderate level, and Health and Cultural Tourism Management was a moderate level. The results of a research according to objective 2 found that; social capital management, the image of tourist attraction, tourism marketing mix, and public relations through the media influence the management of health and cultural tourism with statistical significance at the level of .01. The results of the research according to objective 3 are as follows: health and cultural tourism management Should give the most importance to public relations by using online media such as websites, internet lines, Facebook, public relations, tourist attractions in the community, and tourism activities according to tradition, followed by social capital management There is a construction of a social network for the conservation, restoration of arts, culture, traditions, and natural resources based on knowledge, community wisdom for health and cultural tourism management in Khung Bang Kachao. The results of this research will reflect the relevant agencies, especially the Tourism Authority of Thailand, to be able to apply for improvement and development of health and cultural tourism in Bang Kachao correctly to the real problem conditions. Make the promotion for investment to be in the right direction also affects the decision to invest in infrastructure, public relations through media social capital management and tourism marketing mix to encourage both domestic and foreign tourists to come to health and culture tourism in Bang Kachao causing job creation, revenue generation, resulting in stability and drive the country's economy.

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