Public Participation Development In Public Security Management In Kanchanaburi Municipality ,Kanchanaburi Province

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Pairot Tippayawat


This article has the following objectives: 1) to study the level of public participation. the problems and obstacles in the participation of the people In public security management in Kanchanaburi municipality, Kanchanaburi Province and 3) to find suggestions policy regarding public participation in public security management in Kanchanaburi municipality, Kanchanaburi province. The research model is quantitative research. Use the concept of participatory management and factors affecting participation is a research framework. The research area is within the Kanchanaburi municipality, Kanchanaburi province. The sample consisted of 400 people Use specific selection methods The tools used in this research were questionnaires analyzed using frequency and percentage statistics (hypothesis), hypothesis testing. The statistics used are One-Way ANOVA for two or more variables and F-test and Scheffe 'to compare the sample mean. The result of the research shows that the level of public participation In managing public safety In Kanchanaburi municipality Kanchanaburi Overall, all aspects At the low level, problems, obstacles and suggestions for participation in public safety management. In Kanchanaburi municipality Kanchanaburi It was found that there were 17 high levels of opinions, which were no public relations regarding crime prevention plan, the suggestion of respondents that there was no public relation regarding crime prevention plan. Related agencies, Therefore, public relations and the opportunity should be given to people to have the opportunity to participate in public safety management in 4 areas, including planning. Practical In terms of benefits and monitoring and evaluation 

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