Achievement in Police Drug Prevention and Suppression duties of Metropolitan Police Divison 9

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Duangrit Benjathikul Chairungruang


This research article was is to study the effectiveness of the anti-drug duty of the Metropolitan Police Division 9 and to compare the level of the achievement in the performance of drug prevention and suppression duties. Use survey research The sample consisted of 395 people in the area of ​​the Metropolitan Police Division 9. The research instrument was a closed-ended questionnaire using a 5-level approximation scale. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, comparing the difference with t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA). The results showed that the results of the drug prevention and suppression function of the Department of Drug Administration. Metropolitan Police 9 had the overall achievement at the moderate level (mean 3.24) if considering the achievement in each aspect sorted by mean, descending, competence (mean 3.37), personality (mean 3.29), aspect. Equality (mean 3.22), responsibility (average 3.21), and finally, information (mean 3.12). All opinions were of moderate achievement. From hypothesis testing, it was found that people of different sexes There were no different opinions on achievement. And people of different age, education, occupation, and income Have different opinions on achievement 0.05 Should provide public relations and information services useful to youth and people in the area of ​​prevention and means to immunize youth from drug-free areas by providing timely and timely information.

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Research Articles


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