The Development of Soil Improvement Model through the Innovative Application of Calcium Carbonate Suspensions to Change Acceptance Behavior in Soil Preparation Stag

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Sasit Monsereenusorn
Suramon Chancharoen


This research article was objectives are 1. To study the composition of the innovative behavior of calcium carbonate suspended in soil preparation before planting and  2. To develop a form of soil improvement by applying the innovative Calcium Carbonate suspension to change soil preparation acceptance behavior before planting. Is a Mixed-Method Quantitative data collection with a group of Thai farmers Participants in the project to promote the agricultural system of large plots in 5 provinces, namely Sing Buri, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Nayok, Ayutthaya, and Phichit, totaling 400 people. Data were analyzed using factor analysis techniques. Data were collected by using 10 in-depth interview techniques and 15 group discussions with related parties. Data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results of the research revealed that 1) the innovation model of the acceptance behavior of innovative calcium carbonate suspended in soil preparation before planting. In harmony with the empirical data (Model Fit), with 6 aspects, namely perceived benefits In ease of use Intention to use Risk awareness Attitude towards using And in the field of practical use 2)Development Model is soil improvement methods by applying the innovative Calcium Carbonate suspension to adjust the soil preparation behavior before planting, consisting of public relations processes participation Knowledge transfer through various processes And participatory assessment using empirical data   

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