Administration to Promote Modern Technology Utilization in Garbage Collection of Municipalities in Pathum Thani Province

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Nanthaporn Nantaporn Suriyakul Na Ayudhaya
Wiruch Wiruchnipawan


he objectives of this study were: (1) to explore problems of administration to promote modern technology utilization in garbage collection of municipalities in Pathum Thani Province, (2) to provide improvement guidelines of administration to promote modern technology utilization in garbage collection of municipalities in Pathum Thani Province, and (3) to formulate a strategy of administration to promote modern technology utilization in garbage collection of municipalities in Pathum Thani Province. The methodology of this research was designed to research design as mixed methods research using quantitative research as principal measure and supported by qualitative research. The quantitative research was survey research collecting data in areas of 9 Town Municipalities in Pathum Thani Province. Field data collection was operated during September 1-30, 2016, and a total of 919 completed sets of questionnaires was returned. For the qualitative approach, an in-depth interview of 9 experts and a structured in-depth interview form was also applied. Findings of this research were: (1) the major problem of administration was the municipalities' utilization of modern technology insufficiently in garbage collection of the Municipalities in Pathum Thani Province; (ii) the major improvement guidelines of administration were the Municipalities should increasingly and adequately utilize the modern technology, such as sweeper and vacuum waste truck, garbage compression truck, garbage sorting truck, garbage lift, and transfer truck, in garbage collection, as well as, should also create a strategy of administration; and (iii) the Municipalities in Pathum Thani Province should create and apply the strategy of administration to promote modern technology utilization in garbage collection of Municipalities according to the Performance Agreement of Agency Concept of four aspects, in order to apply as key performance indicators (KPI)

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