Entrepreneurial Skills and Competitive Advantage in Retail-Jewelry SMES

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Pittawat Ueasangkomsate
Maysa Sulaksanakarn


This research is aimed to study the level of entrepreneur skills and competitive advantage in Thai retail-jewelry SMEs. The study also investigated the influencing entrepreneur skills toward competitive advantage in the industry. For the sample in this research, the authors surveyed the data from 100 retail-jewelry entrepreneurs or representatives in retail-jewelry SMEs located in Bangkok. The questionnaire was conducted to collect the data by convenience sampling. This research employed descriptive statistics including frequency and mean. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was applied to analyze confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and studied their relationship between entrepreneur skills and competitive advantage. The results found that retail-jewelry SMEs had the level of entrepreneur skills in human and thinking dimensions at the highest level compared with other dimensions. According to competitive advantage, SMEs in this sector performed their products and services very well. The analysis by PLS-SME revealed that the structural model fit for the measurement (SRMR = 0.089). The testing of hypotheses indicated that the development of entrepreneur skills in human, personal, and thinking dimensions in retail-jewelry SMEs led to improve their competitive advantage in the service dimension. Moreover, supporting entrepreneur skills in the thinking dimension had positively impacted SMEs' competitive advantage in the product dimension at a significant level of 0.05.

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