Corporate Social Responsibility and the National Competitiveness Enhancement of Thailand in the ASEAN Community

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Sakda Siriphattrasophon


Dynamic environments such as globalization, the free trade agreement, the establishment of the ASEAN Community, as well as the advancement of information technology have stimulated severe competition worldwide. Recognizing how important social responsibility is to competition at all levels worldwide, many nations and organizations now focus on and practice a broad range of corporate social responsibilities (CSRs) in order to enhance their competitive advantage. This article aims at presenting the concepts and significance of CSR in terms of strategy, the establishment of the ASEAN community and how ASEAN recognizes the importance of CSR, the current situation of the competitiveness levels of Thailand and ASEAN, and the relationship between CSR and the competitiveness of nations. Furthermore, the paper reviews the past implementation and some of the challenges of CSR in Thailand and finally proposes some guidelines on how to apply CSR concepts in order to enhance the sustainable competi tiveness of Thailand in the ASEAN community.

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