Perception on Image of Silpakorn University “Leading Creative University” via Fanpage: SU Style

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Saksit Ratchaluck


The research title “Perception on Image of Silpakorn University “Leading Creative University” via Fanpage: SU Style” was quantitative research, a kind of survey research using online questionnaires as a tool to collect information. The sample is 415 SU Style fan page followers. The objective was to study the image perception of Silpakorn University in various areas like Academic Reputation, Research and Creativity, Smart and Green Administration, and Smart Student and Alumni. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics of percentage, mean and standard deviation. Findings are as follows: Perception of Image of Silpakorn University “Leading Creative University”, Overall and in specific aspects was at a high level. These aspects were as follows: Smart Student and Alumni, Academic Reputation, Research and Creativity, and Smart and Green Administration. Perceived Academic Reputation, Overall and in specific aspects was at a high level. These aspects were as follows: Silpakorn University is the nation's number 1 university for art and design. Research and Creativity: Silpakorn University is the nation's leader in art and design, Smart and Green Administration: Silpakorn University has beautiful natural buildings and a green campus, and Smart Student and Alumni: Students and graduates have characteristics according to Silpakorn identity "creativity and the public mind".

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Research Articles


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