A Study of Tourist Attractions Recommendation System in Bangkok for Foreign Tourist

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Phatara Sutrsuwan
Duanpen Teerawanviwat
Pachitjanut Siripanich


The objective of this research is to develop personalize recommendation system for foreigners in Bangkok Metropolitan Region by comparing the performance of recommendation system that developed from (1) Popularity based (2) Content-based (3) Collaborative filtering (4) Hybrid model by using travel historical data of foreign tourists that scraped from Tripadvisor, which was the world’s largest travel site. The data was split into training data for 90% and testing data for 10%, which data in the testing set was the latest attractions that each user visited in the past. Then evaluate the performance of each algorithm with mean average precision (MAP) and mean average recall (MAR) in the range of recommended list(k) from 1 to 10. Experimental results demonstrate that the Hybrid model, which uses the weighted-average method gives the best results that have MAP@10 and MAR@10 values of 0.7283 and 0.9659, followed by Content-based which was the best independent algorithm, has MAP@10 and MAR@10 values of 0.6691 and 0.9654, respectively. On the other hand, Collaborative filtering gives the worst results.

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