Approaches for Cultural Tourism Development in Buriram Province, Thailand

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Sirivichaya Kamchompoo


The article of research wear objectives are 1) To study the potentiality of Buriram in Cultural Tourism Development, and 2) To propose the Approaches for Cultural Tourism Development of Buriram Province.  For this study, the researcher used qualitative research methods by studying the cultural information of Buriram on the websites of involving sectors; and in-depth interviewing with 32 delegates from Government, Entrepreneurs, Tourism Community and Tourism & Marketing Lecturers. The researcher found that, by analyzing tourist destination elements, Buriram Province has a great potentiality on destination management for cultural tourism because Buriram had a long history.  There are many tourist attractions and selling points of cultural tourism especially heritages influenced by the ancient kingdom of Khmer as well as traces of civilization.  However, it still needs to enhance some elements to improve cultural tourism to successfully develop the economy. After studying, the researcher found the following approaches for cultural tourism development of Buriram Province: 1) Integrated cultural tourism resources audit for bullet points; 2) Developing the potentiality of tourism communities, enhancing and upgrading handicraft skills to successfully compete in the market; 3) Developing the destination management by using new technologies to facilitate the procedure; 4) Implementation of the routes signing installation; 5) The development of advertising processes to publicize cultural tourism information, and 6) Revision of some policies related to land use in agricultural land reform areas to be used for tourism management to be the main driver of province economy.

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