Marketing Public Relations Strategies Affecting the Decision to Study in MBA Program in Global Business Management, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University

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Naphak-orn Punyapapassorn


The aim of this research is to study the effectiveness of Marketing Public Relations (MPR) strategies in influencing the decision of prospective students to study in the MBA Program in Global Business Management of the Graduate School of Commerce-BuraphaUniversity. The research used mixed methodologies to collect qualitative and quantitative data. A group of 20 key informants was selected for collecting qualitative data, and 400 respondents were selected for collecting quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained through the use of in-depth interviews, and it was found out that the problems and needs of public relations to effectively market the MBA program comprised of 4 principal areas: budget, human resource, management, and curriculum. It also showed that there were 6 areas of MPR strategies: target group, objectives of public relations, channels, styles, contents, and values. Moreover, it also showed that there were 3 major factors that influenced decision-making:  impression of the program, worthiness to personal/professional pursuit, and appropriate tuition fees. Quantitative data collected shows that the effectiveness of MPR strategies was at a moderate level, which included the use of online media, personal media, billboards, social responsibility, community involvement, publications, identity media, and news. The decision-making dimension received a moderate score on average, and it included lobbying activities, needs for enrolling in Chinese Studies major, ASEAN Studies major, Europe Studies major, and evening classes or weekend classes. Furthermore, it also showed that MPR strategies play an important role in the prospective students’ decision in enrolling in the MBA in Global Business Management Program of the Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University with an R Square value equivalent to 69.90 percent.

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